Take More Professional Screenshots in Seconds with Screely

Take More Professional Screenshots in Seconds with Screely

I’m always sharing screenshots! They’re often quick screenshots of a graph on Google Analytics or something on a web page that I want to share with a friend or client. They’re not pretty or appealing. Now, not all screenshots have to be special. Sometimes though, I want to make something I share pop. I’ve tried…

2020 Look Back & Review

2020 Look Back & Review

I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted what would happen over 2020. I wrote in the 2019 recap that “I didn’t want to set any lofty goals.” Best choice ever! Instead of doing the standard recap, goal setting, and resolution for 2021, I am adopting Yearly Themes. I first discovered Yearly Themes from the Cortex podcast….

Switching from Google Analytics to Privacy-Focused Fathom Analytics

Switching from Google Analytics to Privacy-Focused Fathom Analytics

The most consequential conversation online these days is around privacy. How do users consent to be tracked? What information should companies and brands collect on users? As a marketer, I have used Google Analytics and other fairly invasive tracking tools. I see daily the amount of data collected from the user by Google. The data…