IronMic Demo with Casey Neistat Website Set Up

I set up Casey Neistat’s podcast couple’s therapy with an automated podcast website from If you didn’t know, I co-founded IronMic with my two friends and business partners. The idea is to help podcasters to focus on their content and not have to worry about building a website that needs a professional or needs a large time investment. IronMic updates the websites with automated system that checks for new show notes. You can use any podcast host with IronMic from Lisybin or Anchor, but we strongly recommend Anchor as a preferred host.

You can watch the full video to see what goes into the set up of a website with IronMic.

The reason why I decided to setup a website for Casey was two things. The first is he doesn’t have a website for his podcast, and he’s loosing out on people who may not understand what a podcast is or where they could subscribe on. The second part is if Casey does plug the site, we could get a big surge of traffic and new signups from people who are interested in our services.

If you have any questions tweet me @leonhitchens or email me! If you signup for IronMic use the code TENOFF to get 10% off the life of your account!

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